  1. Click on ‘Library’ in the navigation bar.
  2. In the top right, click on ‘New library item’. Choose what kind of file you want to add to the library. For instance, choose ‘audio’ if you want to add an audio fragment.
  3. Fill in the requested information, such as name, description, and category. When you fill in a category, a folder will be created with that name. If you use this name as a category with another library item, that item will be added to the folder. If you want to add an item from your computer, you can upload it. It is possible to add a thumbnail to an item. This is an image that you can upload directly from your computer. This is one way you can create the style for your library or provide a visual aid that supports the content.
  4. Click ‘Create’. The item is now visible to members of your Healthspace.


How do I send a library item to my patient?

If you want to send a library item to a patient, go to the record of that patient and click ‘New message’ in the top right corner. When adding an attachment to the message you can choose to add a library item.

Volgende: Inviting staff members and patients to the Karify Healthspace