  1. Click ‘Admin’ in the navigation bar.
  2. Click ‘Send invitation’ on the top right.
  3. Choose whether you want to invite a staff member or a patient by clicking ‘Invite a client’ or ‘Invite a staff member’.
  4. Fill out the name and the email address of the member.

    Staff member roles

    When you invite a staff member for Karify you can choose one or multiple roles that you want to assign to that member. The assigned role determines what functionalities member had available on their Karify account. For example, the role Library Manager gives that member the rights to add and change things in the library.

  5. Click ‘Invite client’ or ‘Invite staff’ to send the invitation. The user will receive the invitation to join the Healthspace by email. 


To access a patient’s record, you need to create a connection with that patient. Creating a connection between a patient and a practitioner follows after the patient has accepted the invitation to your Healthspace in Karify, and has made a Karify account. There are two ways to make a connection with patients: connecting a patient to yourself or to another practitioner.

  1. Click ‘Clients’ in the navigation bar.
  2. You will now see a list of patients that you already have a connection with. Click on the button ‘Add/remove connections’ to see all the patients in this Healthspace and to create or remove their connections.

Making a connection for someone else (role: assistant)

  1. Click ‘Admin’ in the navigation bar.
  2. Click ‘Patients’ to create connections for patients. Click ‘Staff’ to create connections for clinicians.
  3. Go to the tab ‘Connections’, here you can add or remove connections.


Why can’t I find my patient on the list when clicking Add/Remove connection?

It is possible that the patient is not a member of the Healthspace yet. In that case, you need to invite the patient through the ‘Admin’ button. Another possibility is that the patient has not yet completed one of the following steps:

  1. The patient has not accepted the invitation yet and has not made a Karify account.
  2. The patient has not confirmed his/her email address.

The patient needs to complete this steps before a connection can be made. Read more…

Design your Healthspace

Your Healthspace is how you represent your organization!

  1. Click ‘Admin’ in the navigation bar.
  2. Through ‘Settings’ you can click on ‘Appearance’ to change the logo and background picture of your Healthspace.
  3. In the tab ‘General’ you can change the name of your Healthspace and write a description for your organisation.
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