Seeking help for depression has just gotten easier

depression statistics

Mental illness is real: 10 to 15% of the population from high-income countries is living with depression. Daily life often gets tough and it stops people from reaching to their full potential. Barriers for seeking treatment are often high: few people actually receive appropriate help. 

Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, urges on making access to mental health services a reality for all men, women and children. “We need to provide treatment, now, to those who need it most, and in the communities where they live. Until we do, mental illness will continue to eclipse the potential of people and economies.”, she said. Depression is a financial burden for the US, costing roughly $210 billion a year. Investing in managing depression pays back itself in fourfold.

But why are the rates of people actually treated so low?

Overcoming barriers

A lack of resources and social stigma are often associated with mental illness. People choose not to reveal what they’re going through, afraid of being entitled or seen as weak. This does not come as a surprise, since social stigma still leads to harsh stereotypes. A common stereotype is that depressed people are a danger to others and that depressed people are just whiney.

Money and stereotyping are not the only problems depressed people face. Lack of motivation also is a major issue in depressed people. This can explain their lowered interest to actively participate in treatment. The aforementioned article also reveals that depression is been associated often with increased perceived barriers overall.

Our solution

Online care by means of learning modules, safe communication features and online assignments can help depressed people overcome their fears towards treatment. It will also enable patients to get involved more actively in their own path towards recovery.

screenshot depression program karify

“Ehealth makes the patient more independent, open and better informed. The patient has to get into action himself.”
Henny Visser, psychotherapist and treatment manager of Marina de Wolfcentrum
Karify’s online mental health platform offers a variety of learning modules. The depression program attempts to explore contributing factors and different problem areas, helping patients with various assignments and widgets. This can help them figure out what actually makes them unhappy. The program consists of assignments about detecting and solving their negative thoughts, mood trackers and other useful widgets, exercises and information. Patients will learn to create positive thoughts and regain control over their lives.

If you want to get a closer look at our programs, sign up for a free trial.

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