
Illustration user story

An insider’s look into Karify’s solution

The ‘Marina de Wolfcentrum’ recently started working with Karify. The specialized treatment center for anxiety and...Read more
depression statistics

Seeking help for depression has just gotten easier

Mental illness is real: 10 to 15% of the population from high-income countries is living with depression. Daily life often...Read more
Video calling

Video calling in Karify: safe online communication in healthcare

At Karify we believe that video calling is an essential part of digital self-care. However, it is crucial that this is executed...Read more
Pyth Tower

Karify is moving

Karify is moving into a new headquarters this week. Because of the explosive growth of the Karify-team we leave our office...Read more

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tech tour healthtech summit blog

Healthtech Summit chooses Karify in top 20 most promising digital companies

Karify is selected to present at the Tech Tour Healthtech Summit. Our company is among the 20 most promising digital companies...Read more
ehealth week

Karify at the 2016 Ehealth Week Amsterdam

Next week Karify contributes to the international Ehealth week in Amsterdam, a look at the activities we are involved in: Startup...Read more